A Wind Named Amnesia (1990 Video)
Almost unknown, but definitely a classic
8 January 2007
Let me be down to earth. I hate Anime. I almost hate every thing about it from cheesy plots to cheesy overused plots. But this movie is like none of that. It deals with every human on the face of the Earth being drained of their memories and turning them into cavemen. The story starts with a man named Wataru who meets some woman that still has her memories and was not affected by the wind that drained away everyones thoughts. Mainly they have them trying to reach New York City while this machine which was meant for dealing with riots in urban settings trying to kill them. Since everyone is in a caveman state of mind, naturally their unorthodox behavior has made them targets. But besides the whole machine attacking them, it's like the Terminator movies. The way how the settings were made out, and mainly how the plot kept going, it makes this movie very much worth watching. It's been about 5 years since I last saw it, but if you ever get a chance to see it, do yourself a favor and buy it. You will not be disappointed.
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