WWE Vengeance (2005 TV Special)
The best Raw PPV in a while
11 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is definitely the best Raw PPV in a while. Almost all the matches were good, well not exactly all of them.

FIRST MATCH- SHELTON BENJAMIN VS. CARLITO FOR THE WWE INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP What a great way to start Vengeance. Both Carlito & Benjamin put on a very good decent match. Carlito wins after Benjamin misses a slam & nails himself head first into the exposed turnbuckle {Which Carlito exposed during the match} which led Carlito to cover Benjamin for the 3 count to retain his IC Title. 6/10

SECOND MATCH- VICTORIA VS. CHRISTY HEMME Just a plain, boring Diva match as usual. Victoria wins after a roll-up on Christy Hemme using the ropes for the cheat win. 2/10

THIRD MATCH- KANE VS. EDGE W/ LITA This was a great match too. Kane & Edge really delivered a great match which they never used to in all their times in the ring together. Kane wins after Edge goes to nail his Money In The Bank briefcase on Kane but misses {Which accidentally hits Gene Snitsky who tried to interfere in the match} & falls into a Chokeslam by Kane for the win. 5/10

FOURTH MATCH- KURT ANGLE VS. SHAWN MICHAELS These two can seriously steal the show when they are in the ring together. Too bad their Wrestlemania 21 encounter was better than their second which was right here. Angle jumps off the rope only to get nailed by Sweet Chin Music by Michaels for the win. 6/10

FIFTH MATCH- JOHN CENA VS. CHRIS JERICHO VS. Christian IN A TRIPLE-THREAT MATCH FOR THE WWE CHAMPIONSHIP Great triple-threat match which showed Cena overcoming the odds. {Almost the whole match Jericho & Christian were ganging up on Cena.} Cena wins after using Christian to knock down Jericho, finally getting Christian & nailing the F-U on him for the win to retain his WWE Championship. 5/10

SIXTH MATCH- TRIPLE H VS. BATISTA IN A HELL IN A CELL MATCH FOR THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP A very awesome, brutal & violent HIAC match this was. Both men tried to topple down each other with as many weapons they could find under the ring. Batista wins the brutal match after nailing a spine-buster on HHH on the steel steps, followed by a Batista Bomb for the win to retain his World Title & to be the first man ever to pin HHH in a HIAC match. 6/10

This was a very good Raw PPV indeed. Doesn't get any better than this, does it.

Overall: I'll give it 8/10 & a B+
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