"I've had a few to many myself."
12 January 2007
Lines like the above, shot back by Shemp after having been introduced to Hassan Ben Soba, are classic. The parts with the cat and dog? Just plain funny. Sight gags, puns, and slap stick comedy. Why else watch the Three Stooges? Everette Brown, as the Nubian guard, was cool. He had a very nice, long lasting career even if most of it was uncredited. This particular Stooges short stands out a little for me because it lacks one thing that most of their films have plenty of ... Girls. I say plenty of girls. Most of them had at least three so that the Stooges could take a moment to pair off in romantic silliness. But all is not lost. This things worth the money regardless. Say, at least Affa Dolla.
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