Review of Killzone

Killzone (2004 Video Game)
Not the best FPS but maybe the best for ps2
15 January 2007
Killzone was a game that many people were sorta back and forth about i didn't really hear about it until i heard about the trailer to its sequel so I'm guessing it got more popular from that.Killzone was a solid game the graphics were great really great and characters were detailed.Story wise though it wasn't as good as it could've been the characters weren't really developed that much and the story wasn't really flushed out i hope they fix that with the second Killzone.Gameplay was particularly good the firefights were fun there was a wide amount of weapons and they were fun to play with a few of them had cool second fire functions the controls were easy to learn and use also.People spased because there was no jump button but that was a stupid thing to complain about.Multiplayer was alright and good fun to play with friends.Soundwise it was alright not amazing but the sounds helped immerse you into the game play like all other games.Its not the best shooter but the best the ps2 has so this game is better than average.
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