Review of Raakh

Raakh (1989)
great movie
17 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A dark and intense movie that revolves around a young man Aamir Hussain (Aamir Khan) who is madly in love with Neeta (Supriya Pathak), Neeta doesn't realise Aamir's feeling towards her and just thinks of him as a good friend. One night Aamir, Neeta and their friends are out enjoying themselves. A bunch of hoodlums arrive at the scene the leader of the group Kamali starts eyeing Neeta, and then tries to grope Neeta. This Makes Aamir lose his temper and he attacks Kamali, the hoodlums leave and are waiting further up to take revenge on Aamir and also to have Neeta.

Aamir is attacked by the hoodlums and then Kamali and his men rape Neeta. Aamir wants justice done with Neeta, he seeks help from the law Aamir reports his complain to Inspector P.K (Pankhaj Kapoor). Inspector P.K is more concerned about losing his job then helping Aamir as he realises Kamali is a big crock who has contacts with superior government officers, including P.K's senior bosses. Aamir's father doesn't understand what Aamir is going through and thinks that Aamir is mixing with the wrong crowd. Father and son have a argument which results Aamir leaving house.

Aamir meets an orphan boy Shaikh who gives him shelter. Days start passing and Aamir starts getting frustrated and very upset over his helplessness for not doing anything, Aamir goes to a junkie trader Ustad (Jagdeep, Soorma Bhopali of Sholay fame) who specialise in illegal activities. Aamir asks Ustad to get him a gun so he can shoot all the rapist's of Neeta, Luck still not with Aamir, here Aamir is arrested by the police for handling a illegal gun.

Aamir rings Inspector P.K to get him bailed out of prison, Aamir takes his anger out on P.K and makes him realise that what his real duty is to get him justice. Inspector P.K soul wakes him up and now P.K wants to help Aamir. P.K goes to Kamalis house a argument breaks out and inspector P.K tries to arrest Kamali, Kamalis hoodlums try to attack P.K when he moves towards Kamali to arrest him, and P.K tries to shoot Kamali, for this he is suspended from his duty by his bosses.

Aamir and P.K now join hand to wipe out Kamali and his men, Aamir is guided by the burnt out, cynical cop, who shows him the ropes as well as the realities of vigilante life. and thus Aamir starts killing Kamali's men one by one and in the climax kills Kamali and one side Aamir is sentenced to prison while Neeta gets married of in the outside world.

------------------------------------- The film is one of Aamir Khan's early films before he became a star, and he certainly has done a fine job throughout the film, the rest of the cast has done their jobs pretty decent. The climax of the film is indeed stunning. However the film does drop after the first initial moments and the second half picks the films pace up and the ending is indeed superb.

The films has no songs, its an out and out art films and will only be appreciated by viewers that appreciate films without commercial elements (without Songs, dancing, light moments and of course a happy ending) overall outstanding film and terrific script.
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