The only DVD document available of an incredible man...
17 January 2007
... I can say this unequivocally regarding Robert Anton Wilson. The man's wit and glittering intelligence is utterly phenomenal. His humor and light is infectious. This DVD is essential viewing because it is the only place I know of where one can see and hear the man. Robert Anton Wilson's books have changed my life. He has entertained, dazzled, and enthralled me, helping me to become a more enlightened, intelligent, and compassionate person in the process. It made me incredibly sad to hear that RAW is having major financial difficulties right now in the Twilight of his amazing life. This is a grave injustice. It boggles my mind that this incredible man is not more known. The fact that he has such a brilliant and relevant oeuvre of work, yet is penniless actually makes me want to cry (and nothing ever makes me feel that way).

If you are reading this review, you no doubt are familiar with RAW's amazing books. You need to purchase this DVD immediately. Not only will it help RAW financially, it will also help you. If you have not read any of RAW's books but happened to serendipitously stumble across this DVD, I highly recommend reading one of them first. 'Schrödinger's Cat' is possibly my favorite fiction book of all time. 'Prometheus Rising' is an amazing life-changing operator's manual for the infinitely lovely human brain. Either of these books or 'Cosmic Trigger' would be perfect entry points into the one-of-a-kind body of work put forth by RAW.

I realize I have not talked much about the DVD, and therefore this may not be the most affective review... however, whilst bumbling around Amazon, I happened upon this DVD (which I purchased 3 years ago), and felt instantly and very strongly compelled to give it my glowing endorsement. This is more of an endorsement for the amazing polymath Robert Anton Wilson, than anything else. That being said, if you are a fan of RAW, you MUST purchase this DVD immediately. It is touching, intelligent, fascinating, entertaining, and like nothing else- just like Robert Anton Wilson...
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