Great, unrealized potential: to be seen many times like kaleidoscope
18 January 2007
The Unfaithful Wife seems to be separate, but over lapping stories: like minimally invasive Venn Circles. The premise is divided: France's socially passive nes'pas attitude and fundamental acceptance of extramarital affairs, contrasted with one parties fundamental and conventional recognition of fidelity.

The center piece of cohesion in the film is the married couple have a child. wife learns illegitimate lover also has offspring. This seems to create a divisive consternation within her.

The lover distances himself from attentive loyalty to his progeny, to which the unfaithful wife cannot accede. There is a specific statement made by the unfaithful wife that is the recognition of true separateness from lover back to husband. The end is a surprise.

SUMMARY AND SUGGESTIONS Overall, the themes are humanly dense and rich. But one must repeatedly watch this movie to ascertain the potential motives of each character. This movie is closer to a GREAT DRAWING PROMO or TRAILER, THAN A COMPLETE MOVIE. Excellent diversity of prototypes, realistic themes, very good acting======lacks expressive character depth This final one flaw is equivalent to a hot air balloon, with no hot air. You understand the concept, but never realize its human experience beauty in completion. A B&W remake would be really interesting.
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