One Tree Hill: Everything in Its Right Place (2007)
Season 4, Episode 11
OTH:Everything in it's right place
19 January 2007
In this episode of One Tree Hill, Nathan finally admits the truth to Haley as to why she was hit by Dante'. Peyton struggles to show Lucas how she feels for him because she believes everyone she gets close to, always ends up dying or leaving her. The doctors find out that Dante's accident caused his death not Nathan which released Dan from prison. Brooke and Rachel sneak into the school in the middle of the night to steal answers for a test Brooke failed. When caught by Pricipal Turner, the girls lie and end up pledging to the Shelly and the "clean teens." Deb tries to escape from rehab by climbing out a window only to find that the rehab center was voluntary and she only needed to sign out in order to leave. Gigi decides to call a quits with Mouth because of their age difference and wants to start hanging out with kids her own age.
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