Angel: Lonely Hearts (1999)
Season 1, Episode 2
We all had so much in common. Being monster food every other week, for instance
20 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
We all had so much in common. Being monster food every other week, for instance - Although i'm not one of the many, I gotta say that this is one of my favorites of the first season. The episode is pretty dark to begin with, not that it's depressing or creepy, it just carries a huge dark mood. The episode was supposed to be called 'Curroption' and had a whole prostitution storyline going on but apparently the folks at the WB thought it was too dark so David Greenwalt had to re-write the script. I really loved 'Kate' at first, I thought her chemistry with 'Angel' was just perfect, both were terrible with words and were terribly lonely. Meanwhile the chemistry between 'Cordy' and 'Doyle' got even better, we got to see 'Doyle' getting his first vision and going to 'Cordy's apartment... which was pretty damn disgusting - I thought girls were supposed to like pretty thing, those two were pretty much made for each other, DAMN you Joss. The main storyline of the episode was about a burrower (no, not a donkey demon), a demon that goes from body-to-body through sex, it's a whole exchange of fluids thing. When 'Kate' was revealed to be a cop was when the real fun began, she thought that 'Angel' was the serial killer until he saved her from the burrower who was in the bartender, His skin started to fall off which was pretty icky, poor demon ended up as a barbecue. I sure love this episode, it's a great mix of horror and a bit of comedy (the calling cards for intance, nobody could see that it was an angel) and boy, does 'Angel' love the dark or what? KATE: I can go wherever I want, and you can go to Hell. ANGEL: Been there. Done that. (9.5 out of 10)
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