Superman is blinded, but not by love for Lois Lane this time.
20 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
While trying to get awhile from two men who want to steal his invention, a scientist runs into Lois' apartment building to escape and happens upon Lois taking out her garbage. He shoots her with the device, which puts her into a trance, and hides the device, which looks like a pen, in the pen cup on her desk. He tries to flee out the window, but is found by the two men before he can make it and is killed. When the police show up, Lois is still in the trance but eventually wakes up, unable to help since she only saw the scientist. Clark is concerned for her health, and become even more so when she begins to spout random bits of complex technical knowledge. Unaware of the fact that the pen she puts in her briefcase is not a pen, Lois takes it to work with her.

At work, Lois realizes that the device won't write and almost throws it away. Clark says it may only need an ink refill, and goes into a short rant about everything being disposable anymore. Lois and Jimmy are a bit taken aback, but Lois says if it means that much to him, Clark can have the pen. Back at his desk, Clark tries to take a note with it and realizes it lights up. Thinking it's a flashlight, he points it out to Lois and puts it back in his pen cup. Later, Jimmy accidentally knocks into Clark's pen holder and, when picking up the fallen pens and pencils, missing the device. It almost gets swept up and thrown away, then gets kicked around until it ends up in the dark room with Jimmy, who finds it and puts it back in Lois' pen cup.

While the device is making this roundabout journey back to Lois' desk, the two men, anxious to get the device back, lure Lois out to meet them, shine a light in her eyes, and ask her if Superman always comes to help her when she is in trouble. She says its not something she wants to think about when she is in the dark facing two men she doesn't know and can't see. Superman comes to her rescue and they hit him with a beam of light from another device. He is momentarily stunned, but revives when they try to grab Lois and flies away with her. When she asks why he is flying so slowly, he reveals that he is completely blind.

Lois guides him back to her apartment, but unintentionally leads him through a closed window. Superman stays on her couch for the night, and Lois calls for help from Star Labs in the morning. They agree to send over one of their optometrists, but the two men (one of whom IS an optometrist) intercept him and go to Lois' apartment in his place. While pretending to examine Superman, they also search the apartment for the device. Lois' comes back early and catches them. They flee. Clark's parents show up, after a phone call from Clark, and make their way to Lois' apartment, pretending to look for Clark.

Since Clark had been asked to go away for the weekend by Mason (the assistant district attorney) Jimmy, Lois and Perry all assume he simply left early when he doesn't show up for work. Lois is all worked up over this because, aside from being livid with jealousy she pretends doesn't exist, she sees him as not being there for Superman when he needs him. Mason, however, believes herself to be stood up when she arrives to pick up Clark at the end of the workday.

When the Clarks arrive, Superman asks Lois for some Oolong tea. Not having any on hand, she agrees to go get some, and Jonathon joins her. While they are gone, Martha talks with Clark/Superman about what can be done. Jonathon and Lois have a heart-to-heart as well, but it's cut short when she's kidnapped. The two men explain what the device is and what it looks like and Lois remembers where she saw it last, on Clark's desk. She agrees to tell them where it is in exchange for the secret to giving Superman back his sight. Meanwhile, Superman also learns what the device is and also remembers where it was. Despite being sightless, he goes to the Daily Planet after her, assuming they would have made her tell them where it was.

However, when Lois gets there and it is not in Clark's pen cup, the optometrist accuses her of lying and threaten to hurt her. Superman cuts the power and they fight in darkness. Lois manages to get the device they used to take his sight away and reverses it, giving it back to him.

I liked this episode because it showed again that complicated triangle/not-really-triangle between Superman/Clark and Lois. Also, there is a scene where Superman is sitting on Lois' couch and saying "you have to play the hand your dealt. If this blindness is permanent, I'll just have to be the best blind person I can be." That sort of made me think of Christopher Reeve, who played Superman so well in the 80s movies, and how, when real life handed him an accident that made him a paraplegic, he handled it like a superman as well, being the best paraplegic he could be.
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