Heroes: Chapter Twelve 'Godsend' (2007)
Season 1, Episode 12
first heroes episode of 2007!
15 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
WOW. This is amazing. I cannot believe how well the show picks back up after the huge cliffhanger ending in 'Fallout,' back in 2006. It all seems so long ago now...

I was fortunate enough to pick up this episode the week before it aired using some special redemption coupon my boss gave me (no, I don't know where she got them). Needless to say, I jumped at the chance to see the newest episode of Heroes before it aired, and I can honestly say, it did not disappoint.

There were several cliffhanger endings at the end of Fallout: 1) Eden killed herself in order to prevent Sylar from getting her powers. 2) The Haitian appears in Claire's home, seemingly to make her forget about her powers, but instead explains that he has a secret to divulge. 3) Isaac painted Hiro fighting a dinosaur with what looks like a samurai sword, and Ando says plainly, "You're gonna die!" 4) After attacking DL and injuring Micah, Niki realizes that she can't be trusted if Jessica can still take over her body, so she turns herself in to the police. 5) Possibly most pressingly, Peter has a premonition in which he wakes up to a completely empty New York - empty of everyone except the heroes. Once he reawakens from the dream, he realizes that HE is the cause of the bomb...

And now, Heroes resumes...

I have to say, they really get right back into things in this episode. I'm not going to give away anything here (I marked spoiler warning just in case), but 2007's new tagline, "Are you on the list?" now has as much relevance as "Save the cheerleader, save the world," did in the fall. It's going to be an amazing season from here on out. Buckle up, and you won't be disappointed.
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