My Favorite MST3K Episode I've Seen!
22 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
On a strictly all films rating The Corpse Vanishes would rate about a 3, but we all know that would not be fair to it since this was not made for a serious movie audience. I am not a Monogram aficionado as I think some reviewers here are, so it doesn't rate a 9 or 10 in my book. That is except if you watch it as a Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode which I did and I rate this a 10 as it was the BEST MST3K episode I've seen yet! Anyway, back to the best Mongram movie I've ever seen (did that distributor put out anything worth a crap other than this?), Bela and his cohorts are actually interesting in this one. The evil dwarf definitely adds a star as does the necrophiliac hunchback, the evil back stabbing (literally) old hag mother, and the evil scientist's wife who needs her fix of freshly dead women to stay young. As far as the movie goes, I've seen far worse from Bela and with his supporting bad guys this movie rates a solid 6 for old cheap monster movies. 10 if your watching it as an MST3K episode, its so far my favorite! The bit where they talk about the 200 clowns who got drunk and crashed the clown car in the parade is priceless, this is a high water mark for MST3K humor.
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