Good Luck (1996)
Pop some popcorn and pop this in the DVD player!
23 January 2007
This is a fabulous "feel good" movie. I've probably watched this a dozen times and it's still a favorite to pop in the DVD when company comes calling. This movie never got the publicity it deserved so it's pretty much a surprise when I play it for guests. Then, everyone wants a copy. I probably would never have heard of it myself if my mom hadn't been an extra in it and (unlike one of the previous comments) she loved every minute of the experience - as well as the finished product. Part of it was filmed in Winchester Bay, Oregon where my mom had a gift shop. I love hearing all the "inside" stories she tells such as when she was on the outside patio in direct line of sight of the scene being filmed in the bar. She was under a light which highlighted her flaming red hair and it stood out too much in the scene. The director yelled "cut", then "kill the red hair"! At first, she thought he said "kill the red-head"!
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