Tiki (2006 Video)
Poor Man's version of the old killer doll films from Full Moon
23 January 2007
I was always a big fan growing up of the early work from Charlie Band's Full Moon pictures. The Puppet Master series being a shining example. I really wanted to like Tiki, but sadly there is little to recommend it. One could argue that the idea of the killer puppets, or dolls in Full Moon's pictures', was unrealistic as a menacing threat, and just campy. And I'd have to agree with that, however those films had charm, and some of the entries were much better than the critics gave them credit for. There are limits to one's disbelief, and sadly the design in Tiki was really bad. The Tiki doll's kills are just hard to watch, and not in a good way. There was some mildly redeeming gore, but the Tiki was just to pathetic to really care, and took away any small impact the scenes had. Remember I actually liked many of Full Moon's epics', so take my poor review of this into account before you view it. Also yet again a B movie sin is committed, and thats a lesbian scene, that cut away before any real flesh was revealed. Don't mean to be crass, but I know thats what you guys want to know about. It is worse to tease a scene, and not really deliver, than it is to not even have it at all. The acting varies, but is alright for a low budget film, with local theater talent. Ultimately a film like Tiki needs to be either funny or scary, and Tiki is neither. It just ran way to long, and they could have learned something from Full Moon.
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