Transporter 2 (2005)
Another Seqeul That Overdid It
24 January 2007
Held Great Promise, But Got Carried Away As with so many action movie sequels of today, filmmakers take what was successful and beat it to death on the second film. Usually it is the violence that is way overplayed and this film is a perfect example. The first movie, "The Transporter," had its share of action, but didn't cross the line and was very entertaining. This sequel gets ridiculous and insulting.

The first third of this movie is outstanding; the second third "fair" and the final third so ludicrous I kept looking at the clock to see how much time was left in the film. The latter got out of hand with one "Kill Bill"-type fight scene or car chase after another, each scene being less credible than the one before it. These filmmakers just don't know when enough is enough!

Once again, you have likable hero is Jason Startham as "Frank martin," the ex-Special Forces agent who is a now a "transporter." You have some wild-looking villains, especially in "Lola" (Kate Nauta ) who competes with Tammy Fae Baker n the makeup department (except this woman is hot) and you have an interesting story. There is just no restraint in it. Too bad because this film has a lot of style to it and held great promise in that first half hour
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