Incredible effects, good acting, good beginning but unfortunate ending
24 January 2007
Another "end of the world" film that begs comparison to the abysmal "Day After Tomorrow". Following the same sort of structure as DAT but with a distinctly Japanese style. How does it fare? That depends on your taste for Japanese melodrama.

I found that the small human touches to be what makes this film compelling for most of it's 2 + hours. Also the frequent title cards explaining some of the science. The effects are probably the best I've seen in a Japanese film and they compare very well to anything out of Hollywood. Many of the disaster scenes are truly horrifying even though the human carnage is usually off screen. And that is one of the drawbacks. While the terror of thousands of on- screen deaths like in the recent "War of the Worlds might have too overwhelming, we also don't really get a sense of the chaos of an entire nation crumbling into the ocean. A few scenes touch on the chaos but for the most part this part of the story is barely touched on. Regardless, this film works on a lot of levels and is way more realistic then DAT, that is until the end.

Unfortunately the story hinges itself on one clichéd plot device and another plot device that would be at home in the 1960's Japanese Earth in peril film "Gorath". After the reasonably good science and mostly realistic take on the disaster, this makes for a bit of disappointment. The sudden stopping of the film for a pop love song doesn't help either (unless you like the song). This made the "exciting" ending a bit of a drag for me.

The overall direction is good and the art design is excellent. Acting is all good as well. Recommended.
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