For romantics, not for cynics
26 January 2007
Unfortunately I fall mostly into the "cynic" category, so I didn't enjoy this movie nearly as much as I should have. My fault and my loss, I know. I tip my hat to those of you who were swept away by the magic, but there's always some jerk in the crowd (like me) who sees the strings & trap doors that betray the illusion.

So here's why it didn't work for me: everyone is such a good person. They're all perfect boyscouts and girlscouts who love one another and dedicate themselves to self-sacrifice. 2 hours of that can get a wee bit sappy. There is no conflict with the dirty underbelly of humanity which we all know exists. Granted, I'm not saying that the movie should've had some ridiculous evil character like Emperor Ming the Merciless or Dr. EEEEVil. I'm just saying that I would have liked to see these characters portrayed in a realistic, human way instead of like angels and saints.

There is one scene in the movie, my favourite part, where the heroine actually does show her humanity. She confesses her dark inner side to a friend at a restaurant. It's very brief but powerful. Unfortunately we don't get enough of those powerful moments, and instead we're given a glossy, rosy perspective of everyone.

I have nothing against fairy tales; in fact that's my favourite kind of movie. But I like them with just enough grit to sustain my belief. Otherwise they run the risk of degenerating into an ABC afterschool special. This film was not as bad as that, but it heads in that direction.

I suggest the following marvellous fairy tales for your review:

French: Beauty & the Beast (1946), Orphee (1950), City of Lost Children (1995)

Japanese: Kaidan (1964), Dolls (2002)

Korea: Siworae (2000), Welcome to Dongmakgol (2004)

America: Portrait of Jennie (1948).

These are films that will tickle the romantic in all of us, regardless of what bitter, cynical old curmudgeons we are. They portray life in realistic manner and allow us to disseminate the magic in the truth we see.
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