The New World (2005)
The Most Boring'est' epic you will ever see! The Boring World!
27 January 2007
The Film started out slow, and continued very slow, and continued to bore us to death! The story isn't heart warming in my opinion or entertaining, or exciting. It would have to be the worst 2hrs and 10 minutes i have spent watching a film. They could've made this film run for an hour and 30 mins, and that would've been enough and you'd miss nothing they had already shown in the 2hrs and 10 minutes. The scenes in the film drag on for so long you feel like it's been on for an hour when it's actually been on for just half an hour. Each seen Colin and his love interest are touching each other or looking at the sky, or saying words like 'moon' 'sky' 'eyes' 'ears' 'lips' trying to teach her English, and that drags on for an hour at least, it's completely boring. the couple of battle scenes they provide us with in the film aren't even that long or good. It's very boring, very slow, and utterly disappointing from start to finish, from a cast you'd expect more from. You can't even say the words battle scenes with this film because they just aren't. Totally not what i was expecting. I would avoid both Colin Farrell's epic movies like this, and Alexander, because they both suck!. All that said even with a romantic look at the film, it's something you've seen already with a dozen of other films! the chemistry between both the actors is totally unbelievable. I'm glad i didn't go to the cinema to watch this after because it would've been the biggest waste of money, and time ever. Don't blink either, or you might miss Christian Bale, because the film hardly focuses on him.
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