It Is What It Is.
1 February 2007
Look I know Thailand's film industry is only just getting worldwide recognition and I hate to pick on the little guy, but some of these comments... come on, people. I know it's not totally fair to judge a Thai film like this by the standards of a more mature film industry like Hollywood or Hong Kong but I do think if this had been made in America it would be widely reviled as a piece of crap.

My biggest problem is when people start comparing this to Brain Dead or Sean of the Dead or god forbid any of the Romero films. That's just an insult to those vastly superior movies. If Uwe Boll made Scary Movie 5 we'd have a pretty close approximation of Sars Wars. Not to say you can't enjoy this movie in the right mood and in the right company if you don't mind groan-inducing humor and bad CG. It can be fun, though incredibly stupid fun that could easily have been written by a fairly bright 12 year old. A certain type of person will like this (specifically 12 year old boys, either actual or just in spirit) but lets not act like it's something it's not.
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