Japanese softcore horror, filed under "G" for "Guilty Pleasure"
8 February 2007
This movie is definitely not for everybody. In fact, it probably appeals to only a niche segment of the horror community. Directed by Kazuo 'Gaira' Komizu, it's a softcore film (while still being quite graphic in some respects) incorporating moments of almost cartoon-like, over-the-top violence. The results are a mixed bag and the viewer may find themselves aroused one minute and disgusted the next.

After what seems like an eternity of realistically seedy coupling, the film changes gear and ends up in familiar horror territory with a strange, mud-covered monster-man appearing from out of the eerie fog to unleash terror and death on the unsuspecting, sex-mad characters. The afore-mentioned monster-thing proceeds to show off his quite frighteningly large chopper. And his axe.

To categorise the film, picture the following...while a female masturbation scene sounds an erotic premise, the character involved ends up using a severed arm, the fingers of which keep curling up as rigor mortis has yet to set-in. Clearly, the slightly-demented Komizu has a warped sense of humour but it's touches like this that raise this film from being repetitive exploitation trash to something bordering on half-decent and inventive.

While by no means a masterpiece, I'm glad I ignored the advices of others and decided to give this film a chance. It's what I'd call a "Saturday Night Special" - best viewed with friends after a few beers. They may not thank you for the "Entrails" experience but they'll never forget it! 7 out of 10.
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