Short redundancies
9 February 2007
I just saw this short on TCM. It's a fun short, but nothing terribly exciting or hilarious. It is filled with parodied clichés of lawyer/crime movies almost to the point of exhaustion. Some sight and physical comedic gags do not fit well, and it comes with the type of humor you would expect from a Looney Toon if it were live-humans instead of animated critters.

Our hero pleads "not guilty" until he finds himself facing 10 years in prison. It is at this point, around the 8 minute marker, that this little short finally feels like its taking off the ground but by the time you end your first laugh, our hero is ducking behind the big 8 Ball and "The End" is scribbled across the screen.

Worth watching if only for the sheer enjoyment of it being a short, a long lost cinematic tradition in an age when so many pop-tart films would be served in an 10 minute format.
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