Amazing Stories: Remote Control Man (1985)
Season 1, Episode 10
The magic remote control
11 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Walter Poindexter is tyrannized by his wife Grendel. He is also tyrannized by his two sons, by his superiors at work, and by the dogs of the neighbourhood. His TV set is his only comfort. Then his wife pawns it and buys a new dress with the money. She tells Walter that his TV-addiction has made him neglect his family. She says that Walter has ruined their family life. Walter wants to have a new TV set. He goes to a futuristic shop named Metaluna and gets one. The TV set is futuristic, too: the remote control allows Walter to make characters from TV series leave the TV set and enter his living room, and to change the members of his family into characters from TV series. For example, he changes his wife into one of the participants of a beauty contest that's shown on TV and he changes one of his sons into the 'Face' from the A-Team. More and more characters people Walter's living room. Will his life get better now?

I liked the guest appearances of all those characters from TV series. I think they are well done, and I especially liked the guest appearance by Dirk Benedict. I think the message of the story is: don't spend too much time with your TV set, or you will ruin your family life. That's a good message in my opinion. (It's delivered by K.I.T.T. from 'Knight Rider', among others.)
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