First Four Minutes As Funny As I've Ever Seen In A Cartoon
13 February 2007
Porky is in the blinds duck hunting. Daffy sneaks up from behind and empties his shotgun shells, saying, "Duck hunters is the cwaziest people."

The cocky Daffy then flies overhead and announces, "Here I am, fat boy. Here's your target!" Then, even more of an outrageous scene, Daffy reappears in back of Porky, dons a frilly skirt and sings a can-can. He then "moons" the pig with a bullseye drawn on his butt (knowing the shells are blanks). Porky shoots, Daffy dramatically pretends he is hit, but flies away laughing. Porky is ticked off, to say the least!!! He sends his dog out after him.

The dog is smarter than Porky and fools Daffy and a couple more minutes of fantastic material is presented. The first four minutes of this seven-minute short are about as good as it gets. The last three minutes are so-so. Overall, still very entertaining.
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