I loved this show -- and Tony Bill!!
14 February 2007
This show came out when I was about 12, and I remember being glued to the TV every week waiting for it to come on: #1 because I had a HUGE crush on Tony Bill (he was the host of the show, and, I believe, the producer and director -- and maybe writer?) and, #2 because I loved the idea of seeing how people evolved over the years from high school to adulthood. I remember the quality of writing was fantastic, the stories were interesting and compelling, and the acting heartfelt. This was an emotionally packed show about real people in realistic situations that stood out amidst all of the cool dude cop shows (Kojak, Baretta, Rockford Files, Starsky and Hutch, Harry-O, etc.) that were so popular at the time. I'd love to view it again to see if it holds up as well now as it has in my memory.
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