One-Joke Story...And It Works Every Time!
18 February 2007
Bugs is in front of the Opry House in an Old West town, barking out all the acts trying to sell tickets for the show. Fifteen cents will get you in to see 15 acts. One of them is "Fearless Freep," the high diver. "That's my boy!," yells Yosemite Sam, firing his pistols in the air. He buys a lot of tickets and comes into the theater with his guns blazing.

At the last second, Bugs gets a telegram from "Fearless" saying a storm has delayed him. He relays that to the crowd but Yosemite demands to see the diving act, so he forces Bugs to do it! He follows the rabbit all the way up the steps to the platform, threatening to shot him.

The rest of the animated short is what happens afterward as things backfire on Sam. How many times can they play this one joke (Sam, not Bugs, taking the plunge) and still make it funny? The answer: EVERY time!

A very clever and funny cartoon.
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