Sound/Speech & lots of griping about everything else.
21 February 2007
Is it me or is the speech in this film dubbed in? Also; the soundtrack just kicks in occasionally and randomly. What's that all about?

Acting's great! (in places.)

Plot's awful.

Everyone lives next to the Tyne in Cuurtainless apartments with HUGE windows. Even the kitchen fitter & the asda sex maniac. Why no long lingering shots of Sunnyside in the p****** down rain?

Also. If a Geordie walked into an apartment and the lady of the house said "Ay pet, my husband plays for Newcastle and I'm oop the duff; look this true blue says so."

He wouldn't just go "ai, is that right pet?" He'd have ripped the pregnancy testing kit out of her hand and framed it (or sold it on ebay)

And why is Newcastle empty for most of this movie?

And why isn't the child more involved in the plot? She just flits in and out!

I watched this and felt let down. I can't wait to see the original.

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