Casino Royale (2006)
The first non "Bond", "Bond" film.
25 February 2007
I'm a HUGE Bond fan, I am so much of a fan I even like Moonraker. (yes that is how much of a fan I really am.) I love the franchise, I enjoy all the films and I went into this film with a closed "Bond" mind.

What we have here is not just another "Bond" film with a new Bond...we have an all new start to the franchise. This film ignores all those other "Bond" films, this is neither a sequel nor prequel (think Batman Begins). So the producers had a hell of a film to pull off, just introducing a new actor as Bond is tough enough...but to pretty much deconstruct and then rebuild the franchise up to this point is even harder. And this is where the problem lies with this's not a "Bond"'s a "James Bond" film. Which is where the split comes in with the questions and opinions of "Bond" fans. As I said before, I went to see this with a closed mind. I was expecting another "Bond" film, I was waiting for Q to hand out the gadgets, see the rockets pop out of the Aston Martin, etc and the first time I did see this I left the cinema feeling "robbed". It's not that I did not like the film...I just missed it's point. And I feel this is the problem with many of the negative reviews of this film. They are mistaking if for a "Bond" film...and it is not.

Anyway I decided to recently give this film another go. This time I understood the film and it's concept. It really is best to NOT compare this to the previous "Bond" films. This has more in common with the Matt Damon "Bourne" series than "Bond". Second viewing of this film...and I REALLY enjoyed it. Now it's not a masterpiece of film-making...but it sure is fun. Removing the whole James Bond character for just a's a great little action/adventure film with just the right amount of "realism" included. It's a good re-intro to James Bond. We even get to see James make mistakes..well this is his first 00 mission. It was great to see a previously flawless character have flaws, it made Bond seem more "human". As for the new "Bond", I personally was not won over. Craig did a good enough job and he is the best of the NEW Bond franchise so far (well he is the ONLY of the new Bond franchise so far), but I do not think he was the best man for the job. But still, he was believable as James Bond and that is good enough for me.

It really is best to leave the old "Bond" mindset at the door if you go to see this film. Go to see it as an all new film...not a new "Bond" film. This is not "Bond 21", this is "James Bond 1" After this second viewing of the film...I can't wait for "Cansio Royale 2" (which is supposedly already written and is to pick up where this film left off). I hope they continue this trend of the films being linked and do not divert back into the old "Bond" setup of just a new adventure each time. It's a fresh approach to a tried and tested franchise, and I for one (now) welcome the idea.

Leave the old Bond series where it is, this is the all new James Bond franchise. Just unplug from the previous Bonds and do not compare them. See this film for what it is.

Bond is not back, he is reborn...and I like it.
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