Review of Duffy

Duffy (1968)
My grandfather did a little role
1 March 2007
I was born in Almería, Spain. Many movies were filmed there many time ago. "Duffy" was one of them. Many Spanish people made shorts roles in these movies. My grandfather, Manuel Hernández Asensio, was a waiter in "Duffy". He told me the story about his "adventure" in this movie. He worked in a bar en Almería, in his own bar, and the American people that were filming "Duffy" needed a guitar to use it in a scene. My grandfather had one hanged in a wall of his bar and he lent it to them. Then, the director offered him to make a role as a waiter in the movie, and my grandpa accepted. He didn't speak English, so he moved his mouth doing the necessary movements and after someone would speak over in English. He only did a scene in a restaurant and said one phrase. A curious story of this movie to remember.

And now he is in de crew of the movie in IMDb!! I'm very happy!! Thanks to every people in IMDb!!!
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