A little light hearted treat...
1 March 2007
Don't expect a serious film, but do expect some unexpectedly hilarious scenes - others have mentioned the Chinese restaurant scene, but the steakhouse meeting, the disastrous introduction of the toff client to the auction house, the embarrassingly drunken boss and Grant's character's subtly amusing auctioneering techniques make for an amusing and enjoyable lighthearted film.

A few twists at the end keep things rolling, pastiche and cliché are helped along by some genuinely funny scenes, Caan and Grant work well together as father in law and prospective son in law, the slight flaw to the whole credibility of the film has to be the lack of closeness in the film between father and daughter which is often implied but never portrayed adequately.

I laughed more than I imagined I could though, as some scenes were highly comical. It may not be thought provoking, mentally or emotionally demanding, but it's definitely on the better side of light hearted comedy - it avoids farce and cliché with some subtle substance and style.
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