Better than Gamera 2
5 March 2007
When I was young I watched a lot of Chinese and Japanese movies! I didn't understand much but I always loved the action! I can remember seeing this movie about a giant turtle fighting other monsters where he was assisted by women who were from outer space! Now I know that this was Gamera Super Monster! Most reviewers say that Gamera Super Monster was one of the worst Gamera movies! But for me it was very enjoyable! It was entertaining has hell! It was all about the action! Who cares if the special effects were cheesy! Expecting a far superior Gamera movie with Gamera 3 I was a bit disappointed! The special effects were excellent and the story was more than solid! But where was the action! Gamera is engaged in battle only two times! The focus was more on the story and the characters! A movie like this should be about giant monsters fighting each other and destroying a lot of stuff! In that aspect Gamera 3 fails! I am not denying this is a solid movie! But for me monster movies should be full of action and fun!
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