Blood Tracks (1985)
Ruined by terrible acting
11 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I found this title about a year ago in a charity shop for 50p, I though at the time this looked interesting, how wrong was I.

For a Slasher flick this is really poor, and fails on every possible level such as Acting? Crap!! FX? Shite!! Story? Poop!! Setting? Excrement!! A clear rip off to "The Hills Have Eyes" which is far more superior. In fairness to this stank Swedish meatball of a flick I do believe that I may have screened the CUT version as most of the gore seemed snipped, either that or it was edited using pruning shears, which for all I know may have been the case. I would however be interested in re-screening an UNCUT version if there is one. Hey, I'm sure it would still gobble cock but at least there might be a little gore to break up the monotony of porn flick acting and home movie FX.

All in all I'd say stay well clear of this travesty.
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