This is It! The Undisputed King of Terrible Movies...
12 March 2007
I have spent a rather disproportionate amount of my life seeking out bad, obscure, horrific, insane, and exploitative film/video trash. That being said, this incredible movie occupies a very special spot in my Heart. No movie I have EVER sat thru even comes close to the sheer, mind-numbing ineptitude on display here. ..

From the amazing trance-inducing Casio excreted soundtrack, to the unparalleled videography on display, 'Black Devil Doll From Hell' truly stuns...

If you can actually sit thru this entire movie in one sitting whilst sober(I was able to once), you should be given some sort of award. The proceedings crawl along at the pace of a Quallude-ridden slug...

Do not let that deter you from cinema-history. Some of the hottest love scenes ever committed to celluloid (oh wait, this is video), await the daring viewer. I will not reveal anymore. Hearing about the content of this movie is absolutely no substitute for actually witnessing it...

If you consider yourself to be a connoisseur of the bizarre, the bad, and the trashy; there is no excuse for not running out and acquiring this masterpiece. I obtained mine via Ebay for a mere $10- It was the best $10 I have ever spent in my entire life. I would gladly pay $500 for this incredible Masterwork. Stop what you are doing right now and GET THIS MOVIE!
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