12 March 2007
A fully loaded 1977 "Doctor Who" classic featuring:

-The Doctor strolling through shadowy London streets wearing a Sherlock Holmes-inspired deerstalker cap.

-Leela out of her animal skin dress but still ready to rumble in ankle length Victorian-era garb.

-Also on board: a sinister magician in the service of his Phantom of the Opera-like master.

-Young wenches drained of their life energy to prolong the existence of a twisted time traveling scientist.

-A ventriloquist dummy that's actually a deadly organic/robotic hybrid (played by Deep Roy from "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" no less).

-GIANT KILLER RATS! Okay, maybe not very convincing ones. But still, Giant Killer Rats prowling through the sewers.

-A huge sculpted dragon (quite impressive in scale considering the limited budget) that shoots death rays from it's eyes,

-and all these elements revolving around the search for a crystal key that opens another TARDIS-like time travel conveyance.

-The absurdly over-played Weng-Chiang aside, this one features terrific performances. Of particular note is the chemistry between the supporting characters Mr. Jago and Prof. Lightfoot.

"Talons.." is a "Doctor Who" episode that neither time nor dated effects can diminish the enjoyment of.
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