Front Page Woman-Don't Run to Read or See All About It **1/2
15 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Routine Bette Davis and George Brent film devoted to two reporters, who love each other but work for rival papers, trying to scoop each other on a murder story. Davis becomes very good at searching for clues but Brent is in it to bag the story while getting the news before Garfield. (Davis)

As the film goes on, Davis acts as if she is one of her usual no nonsense broad. Rosalind Russell would have been far better for the role; although, Davis does an adequate job as well as Brent.

Roscoe Karns provides some funny comic relief as the photographer caught up in mayhem as well.

J. Carrol Naish is wasted as the brother of the eventual murderer.

This picture probably formed the basis for films such as "His Girl Friday" and reminds me of "The Front Page."
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