Vixen Highway (2001)
Vixen Highway is the most astounding, perfect example of completely incompetent film-making I have ever seen.
17 March 2007
The worst blue screen you'll ever see in a feature film. Dutched, off kilter camera angles, jerky, idiotic camera operation, poorly framed compositions, blown out exposures, thrown focus--you'd think between the "DP", the director and all the "lighting assistants and ACs" listed in the credits, one of these guys would know how to look at a digital viewfinder and compose a proper shot. A sound mix done by a deaf person, with FX simply missing, music overlay hoping to be mistaken as a sound design and so many poor dialogue recordings, you wished they would've used more of their poor-man's ADR. There is no talent here. None, only victims--the poor actors and actresses that got duped to be in this debacle. And technical problems aside, the film is the most wonderful example of complete self-indulgent, nonsensical, backwards, leap-of-faith egotism--how this Erwin guy got people to actually put themselves into this, I'll never understand. The only thing I could maybe understand is if Erwin used his casting sessions and "principal photography" as an elaborate Midwestern, adult-singles-dating service. That might explain something. Something . . .
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