Entertaining "B" Comedy
17 March 2007
This movie is a comedy, not a mystery. It starts off when a cub reporter witnesses a bank robbery, then follows the robbers to their hide-out. Returning to the office for his gun, the dizzy newshound retraces his steps and captures the "robbers". Unfortunately for him, it is the pursuing police, not the robbers, who have now occupied the hide-out.

In all, a very slickly produced programmer, well up the high standards of 20th Century-Fox. True, the climax proves disappointingly rather tame. In fact, the script as a whole seems a bit weak. Some of the players, particularly Edgar Kennedy, have tried to strengthen it by ill-advised mugging. Still, as many chuckles come off as misfire, the direction is admirably rapid-paced, and the photography superb.
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