Mansfield Park (2007 TV Movie)
Jane Austen for the intellectually-challenged
19 March 2007
I watched 40 minutes and couldn't bear it any longer – the television went off and I returned to some light reading "Lobotomy for Beginners".

It was hard to say what aspect of this production was most displeasing - dialogue made up entirely of sound-bytes or the acting by numbers.

It was difficult to determine the period in which the drama was supposed to take place. There were throw-away references to Lord Nelson and slavery but Edmund, the cleric-to-be, played by Blake Ritson was the only actor who one could believe inhabited the early 19th century. The other bright-young things had make-up and costumes more appropriate to a 21st century fancy dress party - the bleached-blonde Fanny, Billie Piper being the least credible character.

UK commercial television obviously believes heaving bosoms, pouting lips and deep meaningful looks make a good story. Fortunately Jane Austen had other ideas.

If you want to find out the story of Mansfield Park, buy the 1983 mini-series DVD.
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