Welcome to Cliché High...
20 March 2007
As the title suggests, Tommy Lee goes to an American college in Nebraska. For those who don't know who Tommy Lee is, he's the drummer from Motley Crue and the human equivalent of a high five. He's also the ex-husband of Pamela Anderson, with whom he made an infamous porn video, allegedly gave her hepatitis C and spent four months in jail after pleading no contest to kicking his then-wife in the groin. Ahh, true love. Billed as reality TV there's actually no reality here whatsoever. Much of the footage is of students asking him for his autograph, kids gawping at the C-list rock star or frat boys shouting the word 'dude'. In fact, he didn't even enroll at the college, he just went to a few of the classes, looked bemused and was then given a hot, blonde personal tutor – in the hope that he would hit on her we can only presume. Hardly reality. The producers tried to put him in lots of potentially comic set pieces, but he neither plays the fool nor makes an effort to show he isn't one. Tommy just bumbles about and what's left is edited into a bit of a mess. It's a shame because if you've ever seen interviews with the man you'll know that Tommy can be a funny and fairly entertaining person, (when he's not giving his wife a good kicking) but none of that comes through here. Soundtracked by cartoon slide whistles and thrash guitars (as if the clown from Slipknot was audio director) Tommy heads off to find a roommate and we're shown nothing but tired old clichés. Nerds, geeks, the Asian guy who works really hard and mock-horrified glances from Tommy as he finds out that one potential roomie is a gay. It would have been more worthwhile to see him actually enroll in the college, actually live on campus and try hard to see if a rock star who's scrambled his brain with the best of them could pass any of the classes. Then he may have shown us something original about life at an American University, maybe even confound of few of the stereotypes rather than reinforcing them. If you want college hi-jinks then hire out Animal House or American Pie, because there are none here. But, sadly, there's nothing to be learnt from the exercise either. D-minus.
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