Review of Slumming

Slumming (2006)
Slumming you will NOT be, if you choose to view this worthy film
20 March 2007
Sebastian is a snotty-rich thirty-something in Vienna. He, with the help of an enlisted comrade and roommate, Alex, wanders around the city in his Lexus, stirring up trouble. Most evenings are meetings with ladies from the Internet dating sites, with Sebastian setting them up like ducks at an arcade, only to shoot them down. One night, he and Alex come upon a passed-out drunken poet, sleeping on a bench in front of the train station. Always out for a lark, where there are no rules, Sebastian decides to put the man in his car's trunk and drive him across the border into the Czech Republic. There, he and Alex leave the unfortunate gentleman on a bench in front of the much smaller train station. What fun it is, to imagine the startled man when he awakes from his boozed-up state, in a country not his own! Sebastian has also met Pia, a pretty young teacher, and seems somewhat smitten and vice versa. That is, until he spills the beans about his little "joke" on the poor poet. Suddenly, everything is in turmoil. What lessons will be learned by each player in this little drama? This is a sharp look at the modern existence, in the richest societies, between the haves and the have-nots. Sebastian is so rich and yet so despicable in his misuse of his wealthy circumstances, a la Paris Hilton and clones. Pia is the model of the working middle class and the poet is down on life's bottom shelf. All of the actors do an amazingly nice job in their respective roles. The scenery is to die for, as most of us will never hop-skip to Austria or the Czech border. The costumes, production and direction are very fine, also, resulting in little scenes that make big impacts. Just watch Pia and her class twirl around the room in bird beaks and wings or see the poet come face to face with a little fawn and you will be enchanted. By no means will you be slumming, if you select this foreign film for an evening of diversion. It has a diverting story and some powerful messages to ponder upon, long after one pushes the rewind button.
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