Runaway Jury (2003)
The gun debate rages on
23 March 2007
Yet again, John Grisham makes law, lawyers, and the courtroom exciting. Part of the lure of this movie is that the intentions of the two main characters was kept hidden up until the very end. If I were to rate this movie on suspense and drama alone, I would give it top marks across the board. But, I am grading this movie on more than just its ability to pique interest or be suspenseful, I have to judge its content as well. The actual meat and issue that the movie revolved around was controversial on a national level, and one of which most Americans are on one side or the other.

"Runaway Jury" centered around a trial in which a woman was suing a gun manufacturing company because she lost a family member that was shot by a gun they make. The issue of guns and the "right to bear arms" has been argued over a lot in the last 10 to 15 years if not more. Upon this issue, unlike corruption, murder, stealing, or other crimes, people are divided. I'm not one to say which side is right or wrong, but the movie was obviously skewed in one direction. For that, the movie lost points in my mind.

Still, it was a good movie. Gene Hackman did an excellent job, and he usually does, especially as the antagonist. The other two main characters, John Cusack and Rachel Weisz, were decent as well. Overall, the movie was above average no matter what opinion you hold on guns.
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