A nice, entertaining film, with a lot of neat ideas
25 March 2007
I see it's getting some bad reviews, but I really liked The Last Mimzy. I don't know how much it is like the book, but I liked the ideas the film was based on, the graphics were nice, and it was a new twist on an old storyline (the kids did a really good job acting too). Some people complain it didn't have any action and they "fell asleep" - well it's not an action movie, and honestly if you fall asleep, either you're really overworked or you're just not into light mystery and philosophical ideas. It definitely has a "new age" touch, it's mysterious, and with a nice bit of surreal/sci-fi - if you liked movies the same pace and style as K-Pax (though this one is a bit more geared towards kids), then you'll probably like Mimzy. I wouldn't suggest really young kids for this one, they might not understand a lot of it - 10 and up would probably enjoy it more.

Also, the less you know about the movie, the more you'll like it. Don't spend a day reading reviews and looking at trailers. Grab your kids, go to the theater, and see it for yourself with a fresh mind. You'll probably enjoy it as much as I did. :)
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