Voyagers! (1982–1983)
26 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This was one of my favorite shows in 1980's. It mirrored another movie about a little boy from the U.K. who gets caught up with thieving time travelers and famous people in history called, 'Time Bandits' (which was much "darker"}. It even had the same 'bomb falling whistle' sound when they entered a new time era from that movie. Bogg was clueless about history but Jeffrey was a genius at it. Of course, Bogg got all the women. Alternate histories were explored like crazy and "bad" things in history were allowed to happen. It touched on good issues like Jeffrey glamorizing criminals (Billy the Kid) and Bogg falling in love with the deaf future 'wife to be' of Alexander G. Bell to a retired old man Voyager becoming a hero again after giving up on life and saving Marco Polo's life. Some episodes are on YouTube but where is the DVD collection?

For dtucker86 from Germany

The Voyagers did end up on Titanic and met a woman Voyager trying to keep the painting 'Mona Lisa' from sinking with the ship but Jeffrey wanted to warn the captain and no one listened to him except Molly Brown. Bogg mentions to Jeffrey their job is not changing history but making sure it happens as it is known and the ship sinks. In the final episode 'Jack the Ripper' was just an evil Voyager named, Drake attempting to "destroy history" by killing Nelly Bly but he wasn't the real Jack. Hexum was new to Hollywood with Voyagers and years later accidentally shot himself on the set of 'Cover Up' but it was not a suicide.
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