The Munsters: A Walk on the Mild Side (1964)
Season 1, Episode 3
The Midnight Marauder Of Midcity Park - Hilarious!
27 March 2007
This was a memorable episode with Herman having trouble sleeping and deciding to make late-night walks in the park. You can imagine the sight of this guy being seen at that hour in "the dead of night!"

Worrying about bills ("braces for Eddie's fangs, electric bill for Grandpa's experiments, etc.) is what is keeping Herman awake. Lily suggests getting some "air" in his head, so he takes nightly walks in Midcity Park. Soon, police are getting reports a suspicious character in he park. Between people seeing Herman, and a real mugger in the park, the headline in the paper soon says, "Creature Terrorizes Midcity Park."

It's a lot of the little gags in here in between the main story that I appreciated, such as the various scenes at the police station and Grandpa's "big "experiment in the dungeon. Those offered some nice laughs, especially the latter.

Overall, this episode had as many gags as any I ever saw on the show - a really wild 25 minutes.
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