A true treasure in the vault of campy films
27 March 2007
In order to judge a campy film, you have to use an entirely different rubric than to judge something more... high-budget. It is obvious which genre this film falls into, and if you're using the right rubric, it's hilarity all around! This movie has everything: CHEAP sets, props, and costumes; garish colors; weird music; hilarious actors; a ridiculous plot, and finally, dialog that is only enhanced in campiness by actually being WRITTEN onto the film itself, rather than spoken.

My only complaint really concerns just one scene, near the end of the movie, that seems to go on forever, along with really repetitive noises. But, I have a "thing" about repetitive noises, and it probably bothered me more than most. So if I can get past it, I bet you could, too! Anyway... this is possibly the most low-budget film I've ever seen. I am even taking into account Pink Flamingos (John Waters is my favorite director, if that gives you some insight as to how I judge movies), the budget of which was a mere $300.

The bottom line is, if you aren't already a big fan of campy movies, then you're going to think this is just a bad movie- a really, really bad movie. But if you ARE such fan, I think you'll appreciate it- very, very much.
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