Toopy and Binoo (2005– )
I don't like this show
28 March 2007
Yes it's only a cartoon, but this is geared towards toddlers with minds like sponges. What message is being sent to our young boys (Toopy and Binoo are male I presume) when they continually dress up as girls. I don't mean just dresses, but full fledged princess dresses with frills, tiaras etc.? Nice way of gender confusion if you ask me. Also, the mouse has the most annoying voice I have ever heard. Very grating on the nerves. It is important to watch what your children watch to make sure that it corresponds to your set of morals and/or beliefs. What does it mean when a mouse is bigger and bosses the cat around? What does it mean when they continually dress up as girls? What is the show teaching your toddler? Is it beneficial for them? Is it teaching them the alphabet or numbers? Are the characters good role models?
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