To bad you can't give less than a 1/10
29 March 2007
This is probably one of the worst movies I have ever seen! Not only is it extremely unrealistic and stupid, it is blatantly racist. Never have I seen such a stereotyping, disgraceful and racist depiction of Arabs in a film. The story can be summarized as follows: "Ethical superior and righteous American heroes save peacefull and perpetual-victimized Israelis from totalitarian and terroristic Arabs". The dialogue in which an evil looking Arab terrorist argues that the Nazi's have not killed enough Jews is depressing, and it is surely one of the reasons why this film is cited in the book "Reel bad Arabs: How Hollywood vilifies a people". It is imperative to mention that this film was directed by a die-hard Zionist and hardliner who undoubtedly uses this film to evaporate his deeply rooted hatred for Arabs. As such this action-flick is nothing more than a vehicle for Right-wing Zionist propaganda. The sad thing however is that whole generations of American and European kids have watched this film, and that it has in a way surely formed their views on "Arabs" in the early stages of their lives. It that way the film has maybe reached it's goal. Another real sad thing for me was to see Fassbinder's muse Hanna Schygulla (who starred in some of his masterpieces like "Die ehe der Maria Braun" and "Lili Marleen") in a minor role in this film. I can only hope she needed the money to pay the rent of her villa...
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