Review of Slumming

Slumming (2006)
When practical jokes go sour
29 March 2007
Two guys with too much time and too much money on their hands pass their time by pulling pranks on people. It all starts fairly innocent, but eventually it goes worse and then from worse to evil. And of course, at that point everything comes down on them at once.

Slumming is a slow film that grows on you. At first it is hard not to chuckle at the pranks they play, but eventually it is hard not to dislike the two. It is also a film with more than one story line and one that plays those out rather well. The stories do have a clear common ground and where and when they connect they do it right.

As the film rolls on the characters all go through their changes - some small, some life changing. And all changes are understandable and believable.

The scenery is partly Vienna/Austria, partly some small city in the Tjech republic. The mixture of the two is nice - because of the great differences between the two.

So, all in all, it works out pretty well. It reminded me a lot of films like Funny Games (1997, Michael Haneke), and it really wasn't half bad. Still misses out on a few things, although I've got trouble putting a clear finger on what exactly is missing.

7 out of 10 young adults with rotten attitudes.
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