John Edward is the Real Deal....no matter what the cynics think
30 March 2007
Quite simply - John Edward is my hero and I was fortunate enough to tell him this in-person. For millions of people all over the world who have met John, attended his seminars, read his books, seen his t.v. shows, etc. we know what we witnessed and we know that John Edward is the real deal. Ever notice how the cynics (who have never actually done any serious research on the topic of psychic phenomena let alone attended any psychic seminar) continue to post negative messages in a desperate attempt to solidify their own beliefs (or non-beliefs)? What I would like to say to all of these cynics is that people who are content and fulfilled by their own religious and/or spiritual beliefs do not seek nor even need the approval of others. That is why you will never see any of John's viewers trash talking others (i.e. we don't care what others think...they are entitled to their beliefs as we are to ours - and none of us have any need or desire to convert anyone to our way of thinking). So you guys go your way....we'll go ours, o.k?

Moreover, "Crossing Over" was a milestone of a show and because of it's success there are now a lot of spiritual/psychic phenomena type shows being aired on various channels - two of the most successful being Ghost Whisperer and Medium (both are based on the experiences of real psychics). So think what you want cynics....John's viewers are intelligent, well-read and highly educated individuals who have researched this subject matter long before John Edward became a household name. And if any of the cynics ever do decide to attend a seminar (highly unlikely though) they will hear John describe in great detail how this skill is something that all of us can do (to different degrees of course) and how exactly his own skills evolved, as well as how the process works. Unlike fraudulent psychics (and there are many out there) John has never claimed to be an individual with special abilities that only he has; just the opposite in fact - he is forever telling his audience that we do not need him to do this for us as we all have the ability to communicate with the afterlife.

P.S. Thank you John Edward. Thank you for bringing my personal spiritual beliefs to television and to a worldwide audience. You are the Real Deal and you are my Hero...and that is good enough for me!
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