Severance (2006)
31 March 2007
I'm not really sure what this film was – a comedy, a thriller, an action flick, a horror? That is to say, I'm not sure what it wanted to be. I know what it was – resoundingly adequate. A bit funny, a smidge thrilling, a touch action-packed and a little scary. Unfortunately, rather than committing to any one of its ingredients and exploiting them, Severance lurched from one idea to the next, and finally unwound with a really rather feeble reveal as to the bad guys, rendering their motives and actions baffling and pointless and making the preceding film feel hollow. On the plus side, some of the humour was spot on, it was nice to see a capable action girl and some clichés were side-stepped, but ultimately this is one to borrow, not to buy.
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