The Day Lincoln Was Shot (1998 TV Movie)
The best Lincoln movie !
31 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I love TNT's "The Day Lincoln Was Shot." Call me weird, but I watch it on VHS every Friday night. I'm a big history buff. I wish it was on DVD so I could watch it in my living room. My VCR is in my finished basement. Although there were a few minor historical errors, this movie was great. Lance Henrickson did a marvelous portrayal of Lincoln. If you took a black and white photo of Henrickson as Lincoln, most people would think it was actually Lincoln! It's too bad this wasn't a theater movie, because it would look great on the big screen, especially the theater scenes. When I watched this movie, I felt like I was really at Ford's Theatre the night Lincoln was shot. The first time I saw it, I nearly cried.The music gives the movie a sad feel, and those times were very sad. I wish they'd put it on TV every anniversary of the assassination, but I checked the online TNT schedule, and it was not on there. Maybe I missed it. Anyway, you should buy a used copy from Although they are used , they are in mint condition. If you like Lincoln as much as I do, buy or rent this! It is a must see! Attention Teachers: I recommend this for classroom use, and it is a movie which your students may actually like!
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